This is Art
This is Art
Why is there a PAC MAN with a pickle, and how does Wario not have a nose 0/10 (/nsrs)
it reminds me of the PVZ Battle For Neighborville sunflower. Really like your art style
Thank you!
PvZ :o I'll keep that in mind for a future drawing xD
It looks very nice, I like it a lot.
I kind of like how it looks, but at least to me you used a bit of an too intense green on the grass. I can understand where you were coming from, as to contrast the dark city with the light nature, but especially in the background you can see it's weaker points. The art style itself is quite fan, and I especially appreciate seing the pringles man. Even though it lack a bit of detail in the back, I still think it's quite good. I've never really done anything professional with drawings, as I'm not keen on that, so I might not give you the fullest of details on this sort of stuff. Hope I didn't say anything wrong here
He so happy :D
Joined on 7/4/23